Baptism every 4th Saturday of the month at 12:00pm. Pre-Baptism classes every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm in the Church. For more information please contact our Parish Office.
Registration for First Comunion will take place during the summer. If you have any questions please contact our Religious Education office at 323-789-3344
The goal of the two year Confirmation Preparation Process is to prepare high school-aged youth to receive the sacrament and deepen the faith of the parish community. Catechesis is centered around the liturgical life of the Church. This process encourage full and active participation of all involved, and calls on the community to celebrate the significant milestones of these young people on their faith journey. At St. Columbkille our Confirmation candidates meet from September through May once a week. If your child is ready for Confirmation, or if you haven't been confirmed yet and would like to be, please contact our Confirmation Office at 323-759-1562.
Marriage is a sacred covenant of love that not only unites bride and groom with each other, but places them in a special way in the hands of God and in a new relationship to the community. The Church encourage the engaged couple to celebrate their wedding in the context of ritual prayer. When you marry in the Church, you will not only be asking God to bless your union, but you will also be asking God to be an integral part of your family. If you'd like to get married at St. Columbkille or would like to speak with a priest about your current marital status in the Church please contact us.
Are you an adult who would like to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) welcomes all who seek God and who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Faith. We are happy to help people as they prepare to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation and thus become full members of the Catholic Church. For more information, please contact us.
Bautismos cada 4to Sabado del Mes alas 12:00pm. Clases Pre-Bautismal cada 3rd Jueves del Mes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. Para mas informacion por favor contacte nuestra oficina parroquial.
Registraciones para las primeras comuniones seran durante el verano. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor de contactar a la oficina de Educacion Religiosa al numero 323-789-3344.
La meta del proceso preliminar para Confirmacion, es que el jovenes/candidatos recibiran el sacramento y profundizar la fe de la comunidad parroquial. El catecismo es concentrado an la vida liturgica de la Iglesia. Este proceso anima a todos a participar activamente y a celebrar momentos especiales en la jornad del candidato. Ofrecemos un proceso de dos años para jovenes entre los grados de 9-12. En San Columbkille nuestros candidatos se reunen una vez ala semana entre los meses de Septiembre a Mayo. Si su hijo(a) esta listo para recibir la confirmacion, o si usted no ha sido confirmado(a) y le gustaria porfavor contactar ala oficina de confirmacion al numero 323-759-1562.
El matrimonio es un pacto sagrado de amor que no solo une a los novios con los demas, pero los coloca en un modo especial en las manos de Dios y en una nueva relacion con la comunidad, La Iglesia anima a los novios a que celebren su boda en un contexto de oracion ritual. Cuando una pareja se casa por la Iglesia, no solo estan pidiendo la bendicion de Dios sobre su union, pero tambien estan pidiendo que Dios sea una parte integral de su familia. Si les gustaria casarse en San Columbkille o platicar con un sacerdote sobre su estado matrimonial en la Iglesia por favor de contactarnos.
Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos (R.I.C.A) recibe a los que buscan a Dios y desean aprender mas acerca de la fe Catolica. Nos alegra ayudar a la gente a en su preparacion para integrarse totalmente a al Iglesia Catolica por medio de los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmacion y Eucaristia. Para mas informacion por favor de contactar nuestra oficina parroquial.